Superintendent’s Message
From the Superintendent’s Pen
Dr. Gregory T. Jackson
Superintendent of Ford Heights School District 169
Ford Heights School District 169 has successfully begun the 2024-25 school year. We will focus on the theme “The Art of Excellence” in an effort to surpass standards of achievement. We hold high standards for our scholars, as they show up each day with positive attitudes, ask for help when needed and challenge the status quo from time to time. For all other staff and administrators, this means that we are consistently making decisions that are best for students and for the success of the district. Excellence is essential for continuing growth and fostering a learning environment.
We celebrate family involvement and ask that you continue to attend parent/teacher conferences, volunteer in your child’s school and help them get to school on time each day. The application of this theme will no doubt continue to push the level of success across Ford Heights School District 169 to the next level.
Please continue to check our social media, website and reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Dr. Gregory T. Jackson, Superintendent of Ford Heights School District #169